Emergency Preparation Resources off siteEmergency Preparation (what the church says about it)Earthquake Preparedness and 72 hour kit FHE PacketFood StorageNEW Food Storage Fireside DVDDocumentation BookIMPORTANT DOCUMENTS BINDER Personal finance -offsite -the Church has a link off their site as well to this site (lds.org, home and family, family finances, other resources, and first resource.) Evacuation Floor PlanWater Storage QuizAlternative Cooking72 Hour Emergency KitCar KitFirst AidStoring Water BarrelsWATER PURIFICATIONFood Storage, Preparedness and Emergency Ark Project -Food Storage List for one yearInteractive Food Storage CalculatorObtain a 3 Month Supply in 12 WeeksFood Storage Caculator (deluxe) (20)Food Storage Recipes Cookbook - Over 200 pags!Everything Under the Sun -Solar Oven Food Storage CookbookYour Family Still Matters Price List -Food Storage store in St George, UT.Blue Chips Group pricing - The Makers of Morning Moos and other Food Storage itemsObtain a 3 Month Supply of Food in 12 Weeks -7 different meals you can rotated weekly, for 3 months.Recipe Chic: Cooking with your Food StorageWater StorageGuidelinesGenerator Calculator - What size standby generator system do you need for your home?Recommended Items in a 72-hour kit - , originally by FEMA
Food Storage Corner
Protecting Your Food Storage“Protecting Your Food Storage,” Ensign, Jan. 2006, 70Whether you are just starting your food storage or have your year’s supply, the following tips from the Church’s welfare Web site—providentliving.org—will help you protect your supplies:• Avoid heat and sunlight. Optimum temperatures are 70 degrees or cooler. Freezing should be avoided for wet-pack items. Storage at temperatures below freezing may be detrimental to the germination quality of some seeds.• Protect against moisture. Food containers should not come in direct contact with concrete floors or walls. Instead, place them on shelves or raised platforms. If you live in a particularly humid climate, consider providing ventilation to avoid moisture buildup.• Keep rodents and insects out. Instead of leaving dry goods in the original packaging, consider storing them in number 10 cans, foil pouches, glass canning jars, PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottles, and plastic buckets.• Rotate. Generally, wet-pack items can be kept for two to three years. Dry-pack goods have varying “best if used by” recommendations. Referring to a retail product’s label, which usually includes a company’s toll-free number, can also help you decide how soon products should be rotated.For more information, consult your ward or branch dry-pack specialist or visit http://www.providentliving.org/.Concern has been brought up about canning breads and cakes, which she talks about in the fireside, here is an article (click here) about it and here is what she has to say about it.Everything Under The SunI've had a request for myTop 10 Reasons Why I Don't Have My Food Storage.10. My neighbors have a TWO year supply! No, they don't. They don't have any food. Did you know that 85% of the members of the church don't have any food storage at all? If your idea of food storage is to eat someone else’s food………..this is a really bad plan.9. I've paid tithing for 20 years...the church can give me a little food. Many members believe that when the times get hard, the church is going to come through like Joseph in Egypt. Absolutely not true. All the church storehouses and welfare farms across the country would only feed 4% of the members of the church. The church has been asking YOU to store food for 75 years. They're NOT storing food for you. Thus, another bad plan.8. I'm moving in with my children / parents! Really....that’s just a bad plan all by itself. But it points out that most members don't have a year's supply because they're PLANNING on eating someone else's food! Of course, since no one HAS any food, we have yet another bad plan.7. I have a year's supply...and the bullets to go with it! I've heard time and again, "How dumb is that to go to all the time and expense of getting food...just to have some guy with a gun come and shoot my family to take it away?" Here's a better question. Are you afraid of the guy with the gun? Or are you more afraid of BECOMING the guy with the gun? What would you do if your children were starving to death? Would you lie? Cheat? Steal? Would you shoot your neighbor for his food? I guarantee....if you were watching your child starving to death, you would do anything you had to to keep them alive. If you don't have your year's supply, you are putting yourself in danger of losing not only your temporal salvation, but your spiritual salvation as well.So far, all the reasons we don't have our food storage involve eating someone else's food. Please, don't put your family's temporal salvation in other people's hands. No one is storing food for you. Not your neighbors, not the government...not even the church.#6. The boat and the 4 wheelers are taking up all my storage space! (priorities!)#5. 3 letters....Y2K. Ok, that's 2 letters and a number....but they're always making way too much out of everything! This is never going to happen!” (Every prophecy that has ever been given WILL happen.)#4. If anything DOES happen, the government will be here within hours! (insert laughter) Did you know the government has been telling us that we need to have food storage? They're actually CALLING it food storage! We now have the government telling us to store food, water, medicines...whatever we will need to be able to stay in our homes for several months.#3. I can't afford scrap booking AND food storage. The average food storage can cost as little as a dollar a day. We live in the richest society in the history of the world, and while there are cases where money may be a problem, most of the time it is a matter of priorities. We have chosen bigger homes, nicer cars, more tv's, computers, vacations ...everything is more important than our food storage. If I asked, "Who has a cell phone?" most of you would say yes. You pay at least $30 a month to have a cell phone....that's about a dollar a day...the cost of one year's supply of food for your child. Is your cell phone really more important than your child's temporal salvation? You have to make food storage a priority.2. I'm waiting for the cannery to sell Papa John's dehydrated pizza! Food storage has always had a stigma attached to it. If it's not wheat, beans and powdered milk, it's not food storage. With the system I use, food storage can be sweet and sour chicken, tamale pie, chile and cornbread, beef stew, shepherd's pie, minestrone...even chocolate chip cookies! Your imagination (and your pocketbook) are the only limitations you have.And the#1 reason why I don't have my year's supply of food? A year?? I thought it was 72 hours!!You KNOW you should have your food storage. You WANT to have it, but it can be so overwhelming! How much do I buy? Where do I store it? How do I cook it? It seems like an impossible task.... but it's not. It doesn't matter if you use my system or just start buying extra food, the important thing is to do something.
Emergency Preparedness Resources
Pandemic Preparedness PlanningThe following fact sheets provide information on how individuals, families, and health care workers can help prepare for a possible flu pandemic:Home and Family PreparednessPersonal HygienePersonal Protective EquipmentInfectious Disease CleanupSheltering In PlaceSocial DistancingWorkplace PreparednessHealth Care Worker PreparednessNote: The following links are not to official Church publications, but are provided as additional resource material.The Center for Disease Control Web site offers pandemic flu information for individuals and families.Brigham Young University—Idaho offers an online training video for the prevention of Avian flu.
More Family Home Evening Ideas
FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 21 - Gift of the Holy Ghost (243)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 1 - Our Father in Heaven (577)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 13 - The Priesthood (194)FHE: Principles of the Gospel -Lesson 19 - Repentenance (185)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 23 - The Sacrament (255)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 15 - The Lords Convenant People (246)FHE: Principles of the Gospel -Lesson 6 - The Fall of Adam & Eve (256)Song for FHE Lesson 15 -We will Bring the World His Truth (133)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 27 - Work and Personal Responsibility (206)FHE: Principles of the Gospel -Lesson 25 - Fasting (136)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 9 - The Prophets of God (218)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 3 - Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior (412)FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 7 - The Holy Ghost (383)(FHE: Principles of the Gospel - Lesson 11 - The Life of Christ (242)
Family Home Evening Ideas
Helps for Family Home Evening Lesson TopicsActivitiesResourcesLesson TopicsHere you will find prepared family home evening lessons on a variety of gospel topics. The lessons include a suggested plan, ideas for activities, related articles from Church magazines, pictures, videocassettes, music, and—where available—links to related Internet resources.Appreciating MusicCompile Family HistoryFastingForgiving OthersGaining a TestimonyGratitudeHonestyKeeping the Sabbath Day HolyLife and Teachings of ChristManaging Family ResourcesMoralityPlan of SalvationPrayerPreparing for Baptism, Priesthood ordination, or MarriagePreparing for the TempleReading the ScripturesRepentanceReverence and RespectSacramentSharing Household WorkSharing the GospelSolving Family ProblemsTithingUnderstanding DeathWord of Wisdom
Baking Soda (1
baking (1)
Baby Steps (1)
babies (2)
Ark Prep 101 (14)
72 Hour Kit Ideas (1)
365 Days of Pre-made Meals (1)
'Canned' Butter WARNING (1)

My Quilting Sites

Websites for food storage and preparedness stuff

Helpful Sites
Are you prepared?
Articles on Preparedness (by Emergency Essentials)
Backwoods Home Magazine
Baking Like Betty
Be Ready Utah
Buckets of Preparedness Ideas
BYU Living Essentials
Casaubon's Book
Cooking from long-term food storage, by Jackie Clay of
Cookin' with Home Storage, by Peggy Layton and Vicki Tate
Easy to Make 72 hr kit in a Jar
Emergency Preparedness
Ensign Magazine archived food storage articles
Everyday Food Storage
Everything Under the Sun
Family Food Storage
Farm Dreams
Farm NattersFood Storage
Filling Your Ark
Food Storage...A Necessary Adventure
Food Storage Cooking School - USU Extension
Food Storage Lady
Food Storage Made Easy
Food Storage and Preservation
Food Storage Recipes/
Frugal Living
Get Me Ready!
Golden Acres Lives On
Green, Blue, Brown
Healthy Families, Warm Hearts
Hedges Happenings
Helping you Be Food Prepared
Hillbilly House wife
I Dare You To Eat It
It's not Your Mama's Food Storage
Justice Desserts
Kaleidoscope Living
LDS Church Official Site
LDS Church Provident Living Website
LDS Family Home Storage Site
Let Us Prepare
Life In The Lost World
Marie Ricks' (houseoforder.com) food storage ideas
My Food Storage Deals
Peninsulas Emergency Preparedness Committee
Pinching Your Pennies Emeregency Preparedness
Prepared LDS Family
Preparedness Brings Peace
Preparedness Matters
Prepare Today Newsletter
Provident Living
Real Food Living (with product reviews and FAQs about food storage)
Safely Gathered In
Savvy Shoppers Deals (email newsletter for grocery deals in
Slowcavore Utah County)
SimplyLivingSmart - Thoughts on Preparedness
Solar Cooker at Cantina West
Step Wise
Storage Rocks
Survival topics
The Crazy Shopper
The Idea Door
The Little Red Hen Food Site
The Pantry Panel
The Potager Garden
The Prudent Homemaker
Totally Ready
Touch The Earth Farm
Treasured Heart
Utah Red Cross
Utah Division of Emergency Preparedness
Utah State University Extension Publications about Food Storage
Wendi's Home Storage Skills
What's With All the Food

Frugal Mom
Recipe Link - Meals That Freeze Well
Sample Recipes from "30 Meals in One Day"
Kids Cooking Activities - Freezer Meals
What Not to Freeze
Nutritious Freezer Meal Tips and Recipes
Tips and Shortcuts
Frozen Assets
Kids Meal Ideas
Favorite Freezer Foods
Healthy Frozen Meal Recipes and Tips