Saturday, April 30, 2009
Oink, Oink (Flu info)
Whether or not this Swine Flu is the ‘ONE’ that will become a pandemic is debatable. (I won’t debate because I don’t have enough info yet and besides, I'm too busy getting ready.) Regardless, this should serve as a wake up call to you to be ready just in case…I’d rather be ready a year too soon then find myself not ready a minute too late.Please take a minute to visit the following site for updates, http://blog.totallyready.com/ or you can also check the Center for disease control (CDC) website here, http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/investigation.htm or the World Health Organization (WHO) here, http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/en/index.htmlTake some time to evaluate where your gaps are in your preparedness efforts. Follow the Prophet and get your 3 month supply of food as soon as you can. Now would be a great time to sacrifice some of the luxuries that we are accustomed to living with in order to be obedient to counsel. Do NOT go into debt and don’t panic but be prudent following the Spirit and heeding the promptings that you receive. Do the best that you can and you will be blessed.
Oink, Oink (Flu info)
Whether or not this Swine Flu is the ‘ONE’ that will become a pandemic is debatable. (I won’t debate because I don’t have enough info yet and besides, I'm too busy getting ready.) Regardless, this should serve as a wake up call to you to be ready just in case…I’d rather be ready a year too soon then find myself not ready a minute too late.Please take a minute to visit the following site for updates, http://blog.totallyready.com/ or you can also check the Center for disease control (CDC) website here, http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/investigation.htm or the World Health Organization (WHO) here, http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/en/index.htmlTake some time to evaluate where your gaps are in your preparedness efforts. Follow the Prophet and get your 3 month supply of food as soon as you can. Now would be a great time to sacrifice some of the luxuries that we are accustomed to living with in order to be obedient to counsel. Do NOT go into debt and don’t panic but be prudent following the Spirit and heeding the promptings that you receive. Do the best that you can and you will be blessed.
Well, we survived Christmas and are well on our way to 2009.I thought that a great way to start the year would be to issue a challenge. So here it is...This is a 10-week program. This week by week challenge will give you the babysteps to help you along the path to peace. You'll have the items you'll need so you can deal with a pandemic flu situation. CLICK HERE for the details. Your family will be much better prepared than you otherwise would have been.Please let me know if you take this challenge and how it's going for you.

Got Flu?
It's that time again, Flu season is upon us....and more importantly, we are preparing for the big nasty.....a flu (or other) pandemic. This can be a very scary and overwhelming thing IF you are not prepared for it. Remember "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". So let's get ready for this, the Church is getting ready and so should we. The following are great step-by-step instuctions on how to deal with and treat your loved ones who are infected. Of course avoiding a pandemic, by following a strict SIRQ (self-imposed reverse quarantine) is the best way to deal with it, but chances are you may need to care for someone who was unable to avoid being exposed.
Please take the time to:
1. Print-out these documents (click on the words that are highlighted above) and add them to your preparedness binder, so that they'll be accessible when needed.
2. Take an inventory, and then make a list of the 'FTK' (flu treatment kit) items that you are missing.
3. Take the list to the store and get it done. If you can't get it all now, add several items to your grocery list each week and buy these items instead of frozen dinners or oreos.
4. The most important thing, that is not included on the list, to have in your FTK is a vial of consecrated oil, and a worthy priesthood holder at the ready. If you don't have one in your home, find one who will come when called.
Please don't put this important stuff off for later. Do it now!
It's that time again, Flu season is upon us....and more importantly, we are preparing for the big nasty.....a flu (or other) pandemic. This can be a very scary and overwhelming thing IF you are not prepared for it. Remember "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". So let's get ready for this, the Church is getting ready and so should we. The following are great step-by-step instuctions on how to deal with and treat your loved ones who are infected. Of course avoiding a pandemic, by following a strict SIRQ (self-imposed reverse quarantine) is the best way to deal with it, but chances are you may need to care for someone who was unable to avoid being exposed.
Please take the time to:
1. Print-out these documents (click on the words that are highlighted above) and add them to your preparedness binder, so that they'll be accessible when needed.
2. Take an inventory, and then make a list of the 'FTK' (flu treatment kit) items that you are missing.
3. Take the list to the store and get it done. If you can't get it all now, add several items to your grocery list each week and buy these items instead of frozen dinners or oreos.
4. The most important thing, that is not included on the list, to have in your FTK is a vial of consecrated oil, and a worthy priesthood holder at the ready. If you don't have one in your home, find one who will come when called.
Please don't put this important stuff off for later. Do it now!
For those of you who attended last night, I think you’ll agree that the Pandemic awareness/preparedness fireside was fantastic. Dr Puls, shared so much great useful information. (THANKS SUSAN!) Granted, it can be a bit overwhelming when you first realize the potential impact that this event can have on your family.We know, from scriptural references, and from our living prophets that this will occur. Now, you have two choices, be afraid or be ready. I choose the latter and I pray daily that you will too. Please take some time with your spouse and family to read and review the fact sheets on the provident living website. (The link is below) I suggest that you read with a highlighter and mark the things that impress you.****Your assignment for this week is to locate or purchase a red binder ( the larger the better), some dividers, and a ream or two of paper. This will be your Emergency Binder. It’s red for obvious reasons, so you can locate it quickly, all you have to do is offer a dollar to any child that locates and retrieves the ‘red binder’, I promise that you’ll have that binder in your hand in under 2 minutes.All of these wonderful electronic resources will do you no good at all if you have no power (electricity), so. Beginning today, I’d like for you to print out the resources that you’d like to have handy in an emergency or even a non-emergency. If you think that it’s worthy to put in an electronic folder, Print it out, hole punch it and slip it in your binder. Not too tough.The Church's Pandemic Fact sheets are now LIVE on the Provident Living website!Here is the link! http://providentliving.org/content/display/0,11666,8041-1-4414-1,00.html